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photo from Walt Disney World's official blog |
Basically, what's going to happen is that the Magic Kingdom, Disneyland, and California Adventure are going to stay open for twenty four continuous hours. They did this last year for the leap year celebration, "One more Disney day". This year I guess it's going to be something with Monsters Inc. I'm not even sure why or what significance it has, but i'm glad they're doing it as I work for an accounting firm and taking a few days off around Leap Year just wasn't happening for me.
Now, I've taken a lot of Disney trips in my day. I also get sleepy easily. So. I've become a bit of an expert in napping around the WDW resort. I've decided that, in honor of the announcement of the 24 hour event, I was going to share with you a few of my favorite spots to catch a quick snooze not only in MK, but all over the parks.
- Ellen's Energy Adventure- Do you know how long this ride is? I learned this one when I was so excited about going to see NPH do the candlelight processional, that I got a whopping two hours of sleep the night before and decided I was going to do 4 parks in one day to get christmas pictures. Needless to say, I was a zombie when I got to Epcot. I rolled up my hoodie and stretched out in the row I had to myself on the ride vehicle, put in my headphones, and got a great nap in.
- The American Adventure - This has become our go to nap spot. That's right. Our. I've turned my friends onto park napping as well. I doze in and out but for some reason, the last thing I can always remember seeing before I completely conk out is Susan B Anthony at the Centennial Expostion. Then i'm out and awake just in time for the finale. Let me put up a disclaimer and say that I absolutely LOVE this attraction, it's just when you'er tired...and it's dark and air conditioned...and yeah...
- Morocco - You may not realize this, but there's a little building off to the side in Morocco where they've got some stuff on display. It's nice and cool in there, lots of people don't even know it's there so it's usually quiet, and it's a great spot to charge your phone and catch some z's. The Stave church in Norway is also good for this, but i've found it to have a little more traffic. I've also heard that if you go in there on the right day, you might get a personal tour from some crazy drunk broad. Just sayin'.
- Spaceship earth - This is the best ride to sleep on. It's long, it's slow, it's relatively quiet...if you can get Dame Judy to shut the hell up, that is.

Honorable mention goes to Captain EO. I'm only mentioning this because I have a friend that has managed to sleep through this not only once. But twice. Twice. That is what the world showcase does to you, people.
Hollywood Studios:

- The Great Movie Ride - I love this ride, but lets be honest here. It's another one that's easy to stretch out on and it's just long enough to count a few sheep.
- The Animation Building - During Star Wars Weekends last year, we ended up staying at that park for FIFTEEN HOURS. MGM is usually a half day park for me at best. I wasn't feeling well that afternoon so we ducked into the Animation building to take in the AC. I found an empty padded bench and was OUT. The best part of this was the character interaction. I was woken up by my friends giggles, only to find out that FroZone was over me, pretending to give me a massage. When I looked up, Mr. Incredible had his finger to his mouth as if to say "shh. she's sleeping" So cute.
Magic Kingdom:
- Again, if we're being honest, the Hall of Presidents. Same thing as the American Adventure. Dark Theatre, AC, Zonk.
- The People Mover - This is one of my favorite attractions forreal. It's so relaxing and you get to see everything, and yes. It's perfect for a nap.
- Carousel of Progress - I really do love these rides, I promise. But sometimes you're just that tired.
- Tom Sawyers Island - There's a lot of places to hide yourself and curl up here.
I have yet to find a good napping spot at AK. Feel free to throw suggestions at me as I could have used one this past weekend.
So there you have it. If you decide to attend the 24 hour event and find yourself needing a little cat nap, you may want to consider a few of these locations. If you see that drunk chick from norway passed out somewhere though, just let her sleep. She likes her naps. So I hear, anyways.