Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Baby Born with Two Heads? Must be from Brooklyn!

"In 1899, the streets of New York City echoed with the voices of newsies. 
Peddeling the newspapers of Joseph Pulitizer, William Randolph Hearst, and other giants of the newspaper world.
On every corner you saw 'em carrying the banner.
Bringing you the news for a penny a pape.
Poor orphans and runaways, the newsies were a ragged army, without a leader.
Until one day, that all changed..."

Twenty one years ago, one of the world's most amazing movies premiered. 

Okay so maybe it was a box office flop. And maybe I only appreciated it because I was a really weird kid that REALLY loved musicals and hey...it had the kid from Doogie Howser and a bunch of the mouseketeers in it. Either way, it's still one of my favorite movies to this day. I'm seriously a hardcore nerd when it comes to this movie. The first time I saw the footage of Mickey in his little suspenders and cap singing Seize the Day, I legit started weeping tears of joy. The music from this film just fills me with joy. And Kenny Ortega is just genius, i'm sorry. Also. For those of you too cool for this movie. Heroin Bob from SLC punk? Totally a newsie. 

Also...I mean come on, where else are you going to see Bruce Wayne belt out a heartfelt ode to the capital of New Mexico and dance all over the streets of New York? Mr. Bale was a looker early on, but i'll admit I was more of a Spot Conlon girl. And then there was the guy from the Mighty Ducks who just didn't want to seem to keep his shirt on at all throughout the course of the movie. I couldn't really appreciate this back then. 

Newsies has taken on a whole new life with the release of the broadway play. I've suffered numerous heartbreaks every time I have to remember that I haven't made it up to New York to see this yet. I've wanted that to happen since I was a little kid. It's awesome to see a whole new era of fans come to know the characters and the music. I've gotten to see clips and listen to the music, but i'm still holding out hope that i'll get up there sooner or later to catch it. (Ps, if you're a fan and haven't listened to Jeremy Jordan's rendition of Santa Fe...it's freaking amazing.)

Happy Anniversary, Boys! Still proudly carrying the banner after all these years! 

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