Okay seriously...how does this silly bastard not get his head taken right off? Is this legit? did that actually happen? I'd be seriously concerned that Goofy was facing certain decapitation .
Personally, I was into my twenties before I would allow myself to attempt a ride on Space Mountain. I hate roller coasters. Hate. HATE. The funny thing about it is, it's this big freaky mental thing. I went on Space Mountain. Loved it. I have been on a million times since... Loved every one.
Well...almost every one. I have plans to ride Space Mountain this Sunday. As a result, I am currently a big bundle of nerves about getting into one of those nifty rocket ships and blasting off. Seriously nervous. It happens every time. It's this very reason that I refuse to step foot on Splash Mountain. The panic attack that I'm sure to go through waiting for that drop to come is going to ruin every single aspect of that ride that I know I would enjoy. It's not not worth it to me and it stinks.
Sometimes it stinks being a pansy!
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